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The Big History Project

An interactive humanities course hosted online -- free and accessible to teachers everywhere. Part science, part history... give high school students this larger context, they'll better understand the complexities of their world, both today and into the future.

Academy of Achievement

The Academy of Achievement brings students face-to-face with the extraordinary leaders, the visionaries and the pioneers who have helped shape our world.

A Global Guide to the First World War

Ten historians from 10 countries give a brief history of the first world war through a global lens. (via The Guardian)


Awesome Stories

Collection of on-line materials, primary sources, and even sound and video clips designed to enrich students' understanding of various topics in history.

Best of History

1,000's of website resources plus lesson plans. By EdTech Teacher


High-quality material on the Internet in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies.

Docs Teach (US National Archives)

Primary sources about US history.

Library of Congress – LOC teachers

The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching.

National Archives (UK) for Schools

Research tools and content - History


Smithsonian Learning Lab

Get access to millions of resources, even things not found in the museum to explore your interests and do research.

Stanford History Education Group

SHEG seeks to improve education by conducting research, working with school districts, and reaching directly into classrooms with free materials for teachers and students. 

Stuff you missed in History Class

Podcasts and interviews about history subjects

The Ancient Web

Learn about the world's great civilizations…


AllSides for Schools

Preparing students to participate thoughtfully in democracy - and in life


The world's constitutions to read, search ad compare.

Digital Civics Toolkit

Prompts and activities to invite youth to explore their face-to-face and online communities and to identify civic issues that are relevant, even urgent, to people in their local communities and in the wider world.

Gap minder - Dollar Street. See how people live all around the world. “People in other cultures are often portrayed as scary or exotic.” Anna explains: “This has to change. We want to show how people really live. It seemed natural to use photos as data so people can see for themselves what life looks like on different income levels. Dollar Street lets you visit many, many homes all over the world. Without travelling.”

KQED Education

Focus on amplifying youth voice, making media, civic participation, and richer learning, we provide free standards-aligned content and resources educators can trust.


Sources and videos to teach media literacy, propaganda, debate, fake news, and civics...

The Harry Potter Alliance

Changing the world by making activism accessible through the power of story - equality, human rights, and literacy.

The New York Times Learning Network

Real world learning experiences with daily articles and lesson plans in subject areas such as English, Science, Math, Social Studies, Art, and ELL.

Teaching Tolerance & Diversity

Our program emphasizes social justice and anti-bias. The anti-bias approach encourages children and young people to challenge prejudice and learn how to be agents of change in their own lives.

Historia del pueblo judía & Holocausto

Biblioteca del Holocausto

CTIF Madrid Sur

iWitness - USC Shoah Foundation

Over 1,500 video testimonies, multimedia activities, digital resources – the place to participate actively in learning.


Lecturas del Holocausto

Blog de libros y club de lectura sobre el holocausto

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The Jewish Virtual Library

Fordham University Sourcebook - Jewish links

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